Saturday, March 20, 2010

first blog

So here's my first blog. It ain't much. You'll have to forgive the spelling errors that I'm certain will occur.

This blog kind of comes out of frustration. I feel like I've been given some particular gifts, particularly in theatre. I feel that I have some passions, particularly for the church. It seems those things don't work together all that much... Yeah, I could try to do the theatre scene. I'm not a huge theatre scene fan though. I could try to get a job at a church (though there are very few church "drama" jobs out there). I could write sermon accompanying skits to be played out by enthusiastic volunteers... I don't know. Maybe I'm too proud. But I want to do something more.

I want to create, innovate, and push the envelope in my craft, faith, and community... Oh well... His Kingdom. His Will.

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